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Have you ever heard a song in EUSKERA before? It’s the official language of Basque Country in Northern Spain and is thought to be the oldest one in the entire world.This beautiful song talks about a caged bird and what it takes to open the door and set it free.


Hegoak ebaki banizkio

Nerea izango zen

Ez zuen aldegingo

Hegoak ebaki banizkio

Nerea izango zen

Ez zuen aldegingo


Bainan, honela

Ez zen gehiago txoria izango

Bainan, honela

Ez zen gehiago txoria izango

Eta nik txoria nuen maite

Eta nik txoria nuen maite

rough translation:

If I had cut its wings

It would have been mine

It would not have flown away





But, it would have been a bird no longer

And it was the bird that I loved


By J.A. Arze and Mikel Laboa; Sociedad General De Autores De Spain

Quique violin Eduardo piano John mandolin Rob flute

Diana Golden cello Samy guitars Sonia vocals

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Artwork by Rafael Lopez and Teresa Martínez


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