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This is the story of my beautiful band. We all traveled with our instruments from different parts of the world with a dream to make joyous music. We met in New York City and are now exploring places near and far, bringing a message of joy and inclusion to people of all ages.


Por los ríos, por los mares vamos a volar
Por los ríos, por los mares vamos a viajar

Eran cinco pajaritos uno de cada lugar
Cada uno en su nidito ya soñaba con viajar
Por los ríos y los mares aprendieron a volar
Y en uno de esos andares se vinieron a encontrar

Por los ríos, por los mares...

Uno vino con jarana y la leona fue a buscar
A un violín que engalana con trompeta en su sonar
Bailan con el acordeón la maraca y el tambor
Resonando va el trombón junto al pájaro cantor

Por los ríos, por los mares...

rough translation:

Over the rivers, over the seas we are going to fly

Over the rivers, over the seas we are going to travel

There were five little birds, one from each place

Each one in its nest had a dream to travel

Over rivers and seas they learned how to fly

And on one of those journeys they found each other


Over the rivers, over the seas we are going to fly...

One came with a jarana and the leona went to find

A violin and trumpet with a beautiful sound

The maraca and the drum dance with the accordion

As the trombone resounds next to the singing bird

Over the rivers, over the seas we are going to fly...

Will Holshouser - accordion  
Sinuhé Padilla-Isunza - leona, jarana tercera, jarana primera, vocals
Elena Moon Park - violin, vocals 

George Sáenz- vocals
Martín Vejarano - drums, guasá 

Sonia De Los Santos - vocals

By Sonia De Los Santos; De Los Santos Music ASCAP
and Martín Vejarano; Gaitero Music ASCAP

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Artwork by Rafael Lopez and Teresa Martínez


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