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I visited the little town of Anapoima in Colombia a few years ago, and there was a severe drought. Martin said we should sing for the rain to come down on us, and after doing that for a while, we felt some raindrops falling on our hats! My friend and Mexican rapper, Audry Funk, wrote beautiful words asking for Pachamama, mother earth, to send some rain our way.


Lluvia, lluvia
lluvia, lluvia

Gotitas de lluvia al amanecer
Para que las flores tengan agua que beber
Gotitas de lluvia al atardecer
Para que la tierra pueda renacer


Gotitas de lluvia en un chaparrón
Caen pequeñitas bailan un danzón
Gotitas de lluvia en el canalón
Llegan hasta el río, cumplen su misión


La tierra está seca, queremos ver llover
Todas las montañas van a florecer

Desde el cielo caen bendiciones en formas de amor
Que nos da la vida, regula frío y calor
Es remanso de paz en medio del desierto
Pachamama la manda, la tierra va floreciendo
Y así sube otra vez, para cerrar el ciclo
Y volver a caer sobre todos sus hijos
Por eso te invocamos para que vuelvas lluvia


La tierra está seca, queremos ver llover
Todas las montañas van a florecer


Gotitas de lluvia
Gotitas de amor
Y todo florece a mi alrededor
Te invocamos lluvia, te invocamos ven
Llena valles y montañas
Pachamama es el sol
Vuelve lluvia con amor

English rough translation:

Rain, rain

Rain, Rain

Little raindrops in the morning
So that the flowers have water to drink
Little raindrops in the evening
So that the earth can revive


Little raindrops in a rainstorm
They fall so small dancing a danzon
Little raindrops in the gutter
They go down to the river, they complete their mission


The land is dry, we want to see it rain
All the mountains are going to bloom

Blessings fall from the sky in the shape of love 
That life gives us, balance the warmth and cold
It is a refuge of peace in the middle of the desert
Pachamama asks of it, the earth is blooming
And that’s how it rises again, to close the cycle
To fall again all over her children
That’s why we call on you so you can rain down again


The land is dry, we want to see it rain
All the mountains are going to bloom


Little raindrops
Little drops of love
Little drops of love
We call on you rain, we’re calling on you come 
Fill the valleys and mountains
Pachamama is the sun
Rain come back with love


Sebastián Cruz - electric guitar 
Josh Deutsch - trumpet  
Audry Funk - rap
Renee Goust, Alea Jiménez, Elena Moon Park - vocals

Paul Rodríguez - bass  
Martín Vejarano - drums, tambourine
Sonia De Los Santos - lead vocals

By Sonia De Los Santos; De Los Santos Music ASCAP and Martín Vejarano; Gaitero Music ASCAP
Rap by Audry Bustos Diaz; Morphe International Music BMI

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Artwork by Rafael Lopez and Teresa Martínez


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