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A fandango is a celebration where the community gets together building musical bridges with the sound of their instruments and their voices. Fandangos are very popular in some parts of Mexico. But these days, they happen all over the world, continuing a tradition that is hundreds of years old.


Cuando voy para el fandango
Siento una gran emoción
Con mi jarana yo canto
Y vivo la tradición

Fandanguito de tarima
Fandanguito soñador
Fandanguito eres la rima
Que hace bien al corazón

Tarimita, tarimita
Dale a mi alma un bello son
Bailadores, bailadoras
Zapateen su tradición


Jaraneros, jaraneras
Juntos en cada país
Que resuenen las maderas
Y que crezca la raíz

Fandanguito luz de luna
Juega con tu resplandor
Canta versos que nos unan
Fandanguito inspirador


Canta un verso golondrina
Canta con el ruiseñor
Para que bailen los niños
Fandanguito encantador

Les canta la golondrina
Con orgullo y con amor
Canto para aquel que emigra
A otra tierra con valor


English rough translation:

When I go to the fandango
I feel an immense excitement
I sing with my jarana 
And live the tradition

Little fandango platform
Little fandango dreamer
Little fandango you are the rhyme
That does good to the heart

Little platform, Little platform
Give my soul a beautiful sound
Dancers, dancers
Footwork to your tradition




Jarana players
Together in each country
Let the wood echo
And let the roots grow

Little fandango moonlight
Play with your gleam
Sing verses that unite us
Inspiring little fandango


Sing a verse swallow bird
Sing with the nightingale
So that the kids dance
Charming little fandango

The swallow sings to you

With pride and love

I sing for those that migrate

With courage to other lands


Zamir Castañeda, Zeudi Castañeda, Isabella Polo, 
Melody Polo
- vocals  
Elena Moon Park - violin, vocals 
Sinuhé Padilla-Isunza - jaranas, leona, pandero, 
quijada, zapateado, vocals  
George Sáenz - accordion  
Martín Vejarano - drums  
Sonia De Los Santos - lead vocals

By Sonia De Los Santos; De Los Santos Music ASCAP 
and Martín Vejarano; Gaitero Music ASCAP

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Artwork by Rafael Lopez and Teresa Martínez


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