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Last summer, I spent some days on a hammock next to a beautiful lake, and I was delighted to see chipmunks running around me. I couldn’t remember the word for chipmunk in Spanish, and when I looked it up, I found some people call them “chichimoco”, and it sounded like the perfect word to start a song.


A orillas de una laguna en medio del bosque estaba
Cuando vi que un chichimoco entre las ramas andaba
Un huequito buscaba y andaba muy rapidito
Y yo más me apresuraba para verlo aunque un poquito
Y yo más me apresuraba para verlo aunque un poquito

No te escondas chichimoco déjame verte otro poco
No te escondas chichimoco déjame verte otra vez

Te confunden con ardilla, también con un ratoncito
Pero yo te reconozco aunque eres muy chiquitito
Las rayitas en tu espalda siempre se dejan ver
Mientras buscas semillitas y muchas nueces para comer Mientras buscas semillitas y muchas nueces para comer

No te escondas chichimoco...


Parece que tienes prisa con tu paso tan ligero
Saltando de lado a lado ay, entre tantos agujeros
Yo desde aquí te veo mientras mi guitarra toco
Disfrutando de la vida y de mi agüita de coco
Disfrutando de la vida y de mi agüita de coco

No te escondas chichimoco...

English rough translation:

I was on the edge of the lake in the forest
When I saw a chipmunk between the branches
It was looking for a little hole and it was in a hurry
And I would hurry more to see it even just a little
And I would hurry more to see it even just a little

Don’t hide chipmunk let me see you just a bit
Don’t hide chipmunk let me see you again

They confuse you for a squirrel, also with a mouse
But I recognize you even though you’re super tiny
The stripes on your back are always visible
While you look for tiny seeds and lots of nuts to eat
While you look for tiny seeds and lots of nuts to eat

Don’t hide chipmunk let me see you just a bit...

It looks like you’re in a rush with your light steps
Jumping from side to side between, oh so many holes
I am watching you from here while I play my guitar
Enjoying life and my coconut water
Enjoying life and my coconut water

Don’t hide chipmunk let me see you just a bit...

Logan J. Alarcón-Poucel, Zamir Castañeda, 
Zeudi Castañeda
- vocals
Sinuhé Padilla-Isunza - guitar, leona
Martín Vejarano - cajon, pandeiro
Sonia De Los Santos - vocals

By Sonia De Los Santos; De Los Santos Music ASCAP 

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Artwork by Rafael Lopez and Teresa Martínez


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